Why now?
So, I’ve been holding off creating a new website since the 90s. After all my old university page is still there and as relevant as ever (although they seem to have forgotten to renew the SSL certificate), so why would I need change?
In the last few weeks though I’ve worked (sometimes day job, sometimes more for fun) on a few projects that I thought were worth sharing.
So - I’ll write up a bit more in the coming days about these projects, but to kick it all off, let me introduce “What’s Next”.
I don’t know if it’s just me, but I often find myself getting annoyed by the default reminder from Outlook that I have meeting (online, of course - it’s 2021 after all) in fifteen minutes. Fifteen! That’s plenty of time for me to forget all about it. Setting a snooze doesn’t really work either because I’ll either forget, or just ignore it.
So, what I really want is a sidescreen that constantly shows what meetings are coming up. The plan (there’s always a plan) is to put a display on one of the many Raspberry Pis that seem to always be floating about the place… But I realise that most of my plans never come to be. And in any case, I believe in agile, so how do I know I would actually find it useful?
So… As a quick prototype, I put together What’s Next a very basic React app pulling data from the MS Graph API. Have a play, and then fork it and send me some cool PRs!